Calm Bath Elwood

Calm Bath Elwood. Marble Vanity. Blair Smith Architecture
RBW Crisp Sconce.
Calm Bath Elwood_Blair Smith Architecture_Vizzini Freestanding Bath. Academy Tiles.  Laminam Calce Tortora. Signorino.
Calm Bath Elwood_Blair Smith Architecture.  In Common With Arundel Orb Surface Mount. Academy Tiles.

Calm Bath Elwood imbues daily bathroom rituals with a sense of repose and contemplation.

This modest project is the refurbishment of a 6.3m² bathroom, which was in much need of repair after thirty years of wear and tear.

Fixtures and finishes were selected to respond to the thematic idea of “designing calm”. Careful consideration was given to each element’s tone, texture and individual sculptural quality with the intention of producing a particular human response – the feeling of equanimity.

Photographer: Pier Carthew
Cale Peters Constructions